


Pleione House is con­ve­nient­ly si­t­u­at­ed just over 1 km from Straf­fan vil­lage. It is nes­tled in­to an el­e­vat­ed site 200 m from the main Straf­fan / Maynooth road, giv­ing pri­va­cy and quiet­ness. It is rough­ly 5 km from the Uni­ver­si­ty town of Maynooth, and 25 km from the cap­i­tal ci­ty. Ire­land's pri­mary air­port, Dublin In­ter­na­tio­n­al Air­port, is 33 km / a half hour drive away.


Lif­fey Val­ley shop­ping cen­tre is less than 15 km from the prop­er­ty and Dun­drum town cen­tre is less than 25 km. The up mar­ket Kil­dare out­let cen­tre is 32 km (19 miles) and the White Wa­ter shop­ping cen­tre in New­bridge is 20 km (12 miles). The Uni­ver­si­ty town of Maynooth is just 5 km away with its many bars, res­tau­rants, su­per­mar­kets, schools and pro­vides all the re­quire­ments of ev­ery­day liv­ing.


Golf en­thu­si­asts are well catered for as Pleione House is lo­cat­ed very near the K Club. This world renowned Golf Club has two 18 hole cham­pi­on­ship Golf cours­es, a pic­turesque ho­tel and spa fa­cil­i­ties.

Public Tran­s­port

Bus Eire­ann Stops just 10 mins walk from the prop­er­ty (via foot­path) hour­ly ser­vice to Ci­ty Cen­tre.

website & photography by florian knorn