

This beau­ti­ful pe­ri­od style resi­dence has been new­ly built and fine­ly de­tailed un­der the di­rec­tion of an ar­chi­tect from Toron­to, Ca­na­da and an in­te­ri­or de­sign­er from Dublin, Ire­land.

The prop­er­ty which sits on ca. 1 acre is en­tered through a stone en­trance with cus­tom made au­to­mat­ed steel gates. The name of the house, Pleione House, is de­rived from the Greek god­dess ‘Pleione’ of Mount Kyl­lene in south­ern Greece, the wife of the Ti­tan At­las, who bore him a bevy of sev­en beau­ti­ful daugh­ters. Each of the sev­en be­d­rooms in Pleione House are unique­ly named af­ter her sev­en daugh­ters. This new build is fin­ished to an ex­cep­tio­n­al­ly high stan­dard in ev­ery re­gard, in­cor­po­rat­ing a bright spa­cious liv­ing/kitchen area span­n­ing to over 1300 ft2.

The open plan de­sign, in con­junc­tion with tra­di­tio­n­al high ceil­ings and the bright­ly coloured wood pan­elled walls (floor to ceil­ing), cre­ates a unique and clas­sic feel. The en­tire floor of this dwelling is fin­ished with a Creme Mar­fil mar­ble. It is care­ful­ly laid in a pre-se­lect­ed fashion with a di­a­mond pat­tern for­mat, thus, pro­vid­ing beau­ti­ful warm tones and colours.

The fin­ish of the floors, wood pan­elled walls, cus­tom doors and large crown mould­ing knit seam­less­ly in­to one another in both pro­por­tion and tex­ture, re­sult­ing in a sooth­ing and very easy on the eye ef­fect.

The kitchen/liv­ing area ben­e­fits from a large one thou­sand square foot bal­cony pa­tio at­tached to the rear of the up­per lev­el. This area ben­e­fits from the af­ter­noon and even­ing sun and a won­der­ful view over the ad­join­ing 240 acre stud farm.

There is un­der-floor heat­ing through­out the house, with mar­ble fire­places mak­ing the prop­er­ty feel very com­fort­able and warm.

All the rooms in the house are gener­ous­ly pro­por­tioned. Sash win­dows are used through­out. The en­tire house is fin­ished with wood pan­elled walls by Pan­elling Ire­land.

The dwelling per­fect­ly ac­com­mo­dates a ‘work from home’ ar­range­ment, with its own of­fice and se­parate side ac­cess. This of­fice may al­so serve as staff/nan­ny quar­ters. Six of the sev­en be­d­rooms are all en-suite dou­ble rooms, and the mas­ter be­d­room has a beau­ti­ful en-suite and walk-in war­drobe.

An acre of land­s­caped gar­dens sur­round the prop­er­ty, in­clud­ing na­tive hedgerow and plant­ing. Th­ese gar­dens have been well main­tained, and thus pro­vide screen­ing and pri­va­cy.

This is a ‘must see’ and unique once off dwelling.

website & photography by florian knorn