Architect's Description


De­signed by the Toron­to-based in­ter­na­tio­n­al prac­tice Ger­agh­ty and As­so­ci­ates, this stun­n­ing Ge­or­gian in­spired home ef­fort­less­ly cap­tures the essence of a by­gone age. Set on lav­ish­ly plant­ed ex­clu­sive pri­vate grounds, with spec­tac­u­lar views of the Kil­dare stud farm lands this im­pres­sive home has it struc­ture care­ful­ly niched in­to an el­e­vat­ed site while re­main­ing care­ful­ly un­im­pos­ing on the lo­cal land­s­cape.

With metic­u­lous at­ten­tion to ev­ery de­tail this at­trac­tive home show­cas­es 10' high ceil­ings and 8-0' solid wood win­dows and doors ac­cent­ed by care­ful­ly se­lect­ed an­tique light fix­tures and rich un­der-floor heat­ed in­laid mar­ble floors.

Walls are rich­ly pan­elled and trimmed with high skirt­ing boards as cont­in­u­ous cus­tom crown mould­ing com­plete the hand­some pro­por­tions of this grand home.

On the main floor the large open plan liv­ing and din­ing ar­eas with their in­di­vi­d­u­al fire­places are flanked by a large of­fice / re­cep­tion area with in­de­pen­dent ac­cess on the west and a mas­ter be­d­room with its lav­ish dress­ing room and se­parate show­er area on the east. To the rear of this floor a large be­spoke cus­tom cabi­net kitchen, com­plete with stain­less steel ap­pliances and lux­u­ri­ous mar­ble coun­ter tops, en­joys abun­dant light and dra­mat­ic views from the ad­join­ing ve­ran­da.

The main floor al­so boasts a two-piece tra­di­tio­n­al wash­room and laundry room with ac­cess to the low­er ground lev­el via an el­e­va­tor or the op­tio­n­al grand stair­case bright­ened by its 20' high win­dow and punc­tu­at­ed by a grand tra­di­tio­n­al bronze lan­tern. One can't help be­ing in­trigued by the large cir­cu­lar mould­ed win­dow as it draws your at­ten­tion to the up­per ve­ran­da and the infi­nite land­s­cape be­yond. This over sized ve­ran­da has dou­ble ac­cess from the main floor and be­comes an op­tio­n­al out­door din­ing area dur­ing the warm sum­mer weather.

The low­er lev­el pours out on­to the gar­dens be­low and com­pris­es of five large suites, each with their own pri­vate ac­cess from in­di­vi­d­u­al park­ing spots or if so cho­sen may be ac­cessed di­rect­ly from the low­er lev­el hall­way.

Each suite con­tains a sleep­ing and sitt­ing area with a dress­ing space and a se­parate show­er and toi­let area.

In ad­di­tion the low­er lev­el has a large gym area and ac­cess to an out­door din­ing area with its own out­door fire­place lead­ing to a pro­posed in­door pool area. The re­main­der of this lev­el con­tains a walk-in laundry room, a large ful­ly-ap­point­ed kitchen and pan­try room.

This home is tru­ly unique not on­ly in it's ar­chi­tec­tu­ral ap­point­ment but al­so in its size and lo­ca­tion. On­ly 5 min from the presti­gious K Club golf course while en­joy­ing the pri­va­cy of a gat­ed resi­dence on qui­et coun­try road.

website & photography by florian knorn